Jarda Spáčil
Even as a little boy I was going with my grandfather on the trips to Beskid mountains and helped him in the bathroom with retrieving photos from Flexaret. About 20 years later, I became interested in photography and I had clearly chosen photography of the mountains and landscapes.
Every time I climb to the mountain hut or a place to bivouac, I wonder if it's worth carrying up there heavy backpack with a tent, sleeping bag and equipment for a few days. Then in the early morning before sunrise when I stand with tripod on place and in front of me is a wonderful scene when the first rays of the sun fall on the peaks of snowy tops of the mountains I know that every meter of height, which I had to tread up, it’s worth this spectacular view and experience.
I like hiking in the mountains to relax, clear my head from everyday worries, recover strength, but also enjoy free time with my friends. Places to visit them, and moments that are so deeply rooted, I try to capture, so I can in paper or digital way to convey it to others.
For photographing I am using Canon EOS 5D mark 3, lenses 16-35/4L, 70-200/4L, 50/1, 2L, night photos with Canon 6D(astro moded), Irox 15/2,4. LEE filters, Gitzo tripod and ballhead.